You are not alone! Help line is open now! Apple Consulting® anounnces opening free-of-charge consultations of the owners and C-level managers of manufacturing, distribution and retail companies in a quarantine period, who experience difficulties:

  • with the decision what particularly to launch into manufacture now,
  • with purchasing of goods, raw materials and components now,
  • with managing inventory,
  • with cash deficit,
  • with fulfilling income part of business,
  • in taking complicated management decisions.

If you need consultation from Apple Consulting® please fill-in a short form. Our experts will contact you in 2 hours (during working hours). 

Please note that consultations are held only on topics of manufacture planning and execution, purchasing of goods, raw materials and components, inventory management, fulfilling of the income part of business, cash deficit and complicated management decisions. If you have other difficulties we will re-direct you to other professionals.

This offer is valid for a quarantine period for manufacturers, distributors and retail companies from Ukraine and Europe. Consultations are available in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages. We will put all our effort to help you to take thoughtful decisions without panic and vanity in order to minimize consequences of the current difficult situation.

If you have other difficulties we will re-direct you to other professionals.

! Apple Consulting® does not provide any tax and legal consultations.